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the pissed off dad

I will tell the story of my life and experiences as a dad when I was a husband, in family court, and now divorced. The good, the bad, the ugly. And eventually will turn my experiences into a non-profit to help other dads. But right now, I am angry and pissed off on how I was treated by the State of Texas family court system, criminal court system, lawyers, and select other people. Not only is the past three years an issue, but currently I am being treated very poorly by my ex and her surrounding henchmen/henchwoman. This is my story. This is the story of Louis Evans IV and how my experiences are purely based on me being a male and the sexism that has destroyed my life. Hopefully my experiences will change for the better and bring hope to those who are hurting too. And we will then help other men and dads achieve equality.

the pissed off dad

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